How to market your VR Arcade with Email Marketing
Do you ever wish you had a way to contact every single customer that’s ever visited your location? You know what they say, it costs 5x as much to get a new customer than to retain an existing. So focusing on retaining those existing is definitely worth the effort. Now imagine if there was a way you could contact every single one of those existing customers, without having to trick some algorithm, pay for ad space, or sell your soul to The Zuck. Let me introduce you to the importance of email marketing.
It’s 2024, the amount of clients I’ve worked with that tell me “emails dead, no one uses it anymore” is growing, but know what else is growing? The effectiveness of using email campaigns. Yes there’s built-in promotion filters in the big email providers like gmail, that put your email campaigns into a different folder from the users primary emails. But you’re still getting in the inbox and it is getting increasingly effective over time.
In order to make your email marketing effective you need recipients, and here in the VR Arcade industry we have the advantage. Between online bookings and waivers we have multiple ways that we can retain a customer's email address when they come into your facility. You see every major retail store that you go to tries to get you to give them your email for a “digital receipt”, it’s not for a digital receipt, it’s for them to get your email address to use for email marketing. 90% of people probably won’t even look at the email receipt that comes in, but you know what they will notice, the promotional emails coming into their inbox.
So start gathering those emails, provide value to your customers through your email marketing, don’t spam, and you’ll have a simple and free way to contact them without hoping you tricked the algorithm or had to pay for it. You’ll thank me when after a couple years you have thousands of existing customers right at your fingertips that cost you 5x less to convince them to walk back in your doors.
There’s loads of ways that we can also utilize email campaign automation to take this to the next level, but we’re starting simple here and I’ll come back to revisit that.
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